“i’m Dead, Now What?” By Peter Pauper Press
November 21, 2023
The death of a loved one is emotional, stressful, and can put such a huge strain on those left behind. Why not be prepared for the inevitable?
“I’m dead, Now What?” is an excellent workbook to help you prepare your loved ones for your passing.
This book walks you through gathering all the information your loved ones will need to take care of your belongings, financial or business affairs, and your wishes. Instead of leaving them panicking or arguing over the “what ifs” or “where do we find . . .” leave them with your instructions.
For example:
- Who to contact at the time of your passing.
- Instructions for caring for your pet(s).
- How to access and handle email and social media accounts.
- Which bills do you have on autopay?
- Where did you place your marriage certificate and other important documents?
- Do you have life insurance?
- Things you want caregivers to know if you aren’t able to communicate.
- Last words/personal wishes.
Yes, the details and information may change over the years, but it is never too late to start keeping records just in case.
With all the valuable information you’ll put in this book, it should be stored somewhere extremely secure.
Tips for storage:
- Keep it in a fireproof/waterproof safe.
- Place it in a security deposit box at your bank.
- Does your estate attorney have a secure place to store it?
- Inform your trusted executor(s) about its location.
To find this or other books like it, check out your local bookstore, Amazon.com, or your other favorite book retailers.
It makes a great gift for you and your loved ones.
**This book is not a legal document and does not replace a valid Will.
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