
Hand giving three twenty dollar bills to another hand


Receiving an expected or unexpected inheritance can be an emotional and overwhelming time. The events that led to this windfall may have occurred through loss or some other life event. Here are some steps to take to help make the most of your inheritance: Take your time – allow yourself time to step back and process what has happened. Remember where it came from – think about how long it would have taken you to save up what has been…

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6 Items to Check Off Your Financial List

Just like getting the oil changed in your car on a regular basis, it’s a good idea to check on your financial house to be sure everything is in order. Here are a few items to review every year to be sure they are working in your favor: Personal spending plan – if you are not following a spending plan yet, create one and follow it. Cash flow is the cornerstone of achieving financial goals such as retirement and funding…

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Stock market chart on black screen


Over the last several years leading up to 2022 the acronym TINA was a very popular description for investment strategy. TINA stands for There is No Alternative (to stocks). The belief was that, with the Federal Reserve keeping interest rates at 0% and rushing to bail out the stock market each time it was in danger of declining significantly, stocks were the only place one could make any money. Certificates of deposit, government bonds, and money markets all offered extremely…

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JourneyTree Plants Trees!

On April 9th JourneyTree sponsored and took part in planting trees with Friends of Trees. The weather was perfect, just a bit overcast without any rain and the JourneyTree team (along with a few JourneyTree clients) planted trees along Willamette & 15th as well as 15th and Charnelton. A total of 49 trees were planted around the city that Saturday, including many at Charlemagne Elementary School. We all enjoyed it and are looking forward to our next tree planting –…

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Stock market chart

Investing for the Long Run

JourneyTree looks at investment returns over a long-term cycle that includes both up and down markets to ensure that clients get the returns they need with the least amount of risk. Due to a variety of factors, we have just been through an abnormally prolonged period of positive performance for both stocks and bonds. That highly unusual period fueled by low interest rates, government stimulus, and low inflation appears to have ended. Stock and bond markets have been artificially inflated…

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Silver & Gold Coins & Clock


Given the current low interest rates and record setting inflation, many investors are looking for different ways to earn interest on their more liquid assets. Enter the I bond. A relatively unheard-of Treasury Department offering, the I-Bond is unique in that it’s rate is based on a combination of “Fixed Rate” and “Inflation Rate” to come up with it’s “Composite Rate”. The current “Composite Rate” the bond is paying is a whopping 7.12% annualized. With any deal potentially this good,…

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Stock market chart on black screen

New Era for the Stock Market

“No living investor has experienced a global pandemic or the extraordinary monetary and fiscal policies that have been deployed to keep economies afloat. Without a playbook in hand, investors should beware of assuming that trends in recent years will repeat in the future.” – Chris Hogbin, Alliance Bernstein The stock market rose to historic levels in 2021. By some counts, as many as 70 record highs were recorded during the year. Buoyed by rock bottom interest rates (making it cheap…

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Large question mark on chalk board

Roth Conversions: What are they and when do they make sense?

A Roth conversion is the process of moving traditional IRA dollars, which are taxed when withdrawn, to a Roth IRA which can be withdrawn tax free. Benefits of a Roth conversion Tax-free income in retirement Ability to pass assets tax-free to heirs Lower Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) For example, you have a traditional IRA with a $100,000 balance as of 12/31 in 2021 and you turn 72 in 2022. Your RMD for 2022 would be roughly $3,600. But let’s say…

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Money with an line chart and arrow over it

Inflation – Where are we Headed?

Over the past four decades, inflation has been a non-issue. Until now. While hovering around 2% for decades, inflation rates jumped to 6.2% in October 2021. Higher than it has been for over 30 years. 10 – Year Inflation Rate The Investopedia website says, “Inflation is a decrease in the purchasing power of money, reflected in a general increase in the prices of goods and services in an economy.” Prices of goods and services have indeed been rising. Lumber prices…

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Group of people wearing graduation gear and throwing graduation hats in the air

Student Loan Payments Resume

It has been over three years since student loan payments were paused due to the pandemic. Now that the pause is coming to an end, here are a few key things to know if you or a loved one has a student loan: Interest begins accruing on 9/1/23. Payments resume in October. Your specific due date may vary depending on your service provider. Biden has proposed an “on ramp” transition period. During this 12-month period: Missed monthly payments will not…

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