
hand holding

Social Security Retirement Benefits: The Mini Series

INTRODUCTION In my most recent installment of this series, I wrote about a few hard to believe nuances of Social Security benefits. In this final installment, we are going to meet Pat and Val, a married couple with gender-neutral names, and review some simple and more complex Social Security planning strategies available to them. In the following comparisons: Val and Pat are the same age Their “full retirement age” (FRA) is 66 Val’s benefit at FRA is $1,000 Pat’s benefit…

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people meeting

Roth Accounts and Required Minimum Distributions

By Kath Suchan Siblings, you got to love them. First of all, I am the “baby of the family” and sometimes it is difficult for my five older siblings to realize that I may know just a bit more than they do when it comes to financial planning issues. There are times I feel like I am a five years old again carrying on the “Is so,” “Is not,” “Is so,” “Is not” intellectual exchange. This article is a result…

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Questions Answers Sign

Social Security Retirement Benefits: The Mini-Series

INTRODUCTION In my last article, I provided an overview of the calculations behind taking benefits early or delaying benefits. In this installment, we were going to meet Pat and Val, a married couple with gender-neutral names, and review some of the simple and complex Social Security planning strategies available to them. Unfortunately, I have been fighting a headache for a several days and I cannot get by head around that topic just now. Instead I will fast forward to the…

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Holding iphone

Announcing the New AdvisorClient® Mobile App for your iPhone®!

TD Ameritrade Institutional is pleased to announce that you can now take the convenience of with you, wherever you go, with the launch of the AdvisorClient Mobile App. AdvisorClient Mobile enables you to view real-time account balances, positions and transaction history from your Apple iPhones.* Other convenient features include: • Consolidated account balances • Remote check deposit • Detailed quotes • Third-party research • Quick access to Advisor contact information If you wish begin using AdvisorClient Mobile, visit the…

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Social Security Retirement Benefits: The Mini-Series

In my last article, I provided a bit of history regarding the inception of Social Security, some trivia regarding its early days, and a few key definitions. This installment is going to give you an overview of the calculations behind taking benefits early or delaying benefits. Be forewarned, this article is full of acronyms. What’s Your FRA? If you remember from the last newsletter, FRA stands for Full Retirement Age and is based on your year of birth. See the…

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Just married sign

Estate Planning Alert: Review of Wills for Newly Married Couples

By Nicholas Frost, Attorney, Hershner Hunter (reprinted with permission of the author) Many same-sex couples who are now getting married as a result of the recent Oregon federal district court ruling may be revoking their wills without knowing it. Oregon law generally provides that marriage revokes an existing will. Many previously unmarried Oregon couples may now opt to get married in light of the court ruling overturning Oregon’s ban on same-sex marriage. Those couples may not realize the risk that…

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old man with bridge in background

Social Security Retirement Benefits: The Mini-Series

This is the first of a series on Social Security – primarily focusing on the retirement benefits. The goal for this series is to address the key questions asked by our clients. Questions like: When should I begin taking Social Security? What options are available to me? Which options are better for my circumstances? Will my benefits be taxable? I am going to heed Sgt. Joe Friday’s words and provide “Just the facts, ma’am.” Therefore, I will not be making…

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flowers in cemetery

Transfer on Death Accounts

What is “Transfer on Death?” It is a designation that can be applied to an individual or joint account that enables you to specify your beneficiary(ies) in the event of your demise. Typically, when IRAs are set-up, you have already made those decisions since there is a place on the application form for you to designate your beneficiaries. However, applications for taxable accounts generally do not ask for beneficiary designation. You may ask, “Why is this important?” Designating an account…

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Mapping the Future

Do any of these questions sound familiar? When can I afford to retire? What would a transition from full-time employment to part-time employment or consulting look like? Can I afford to reduce my hours to be a regular provider of care to my grandchildren? To my aging parent? Should I take Social Security at age 62, 65, 70, or full retirement age? When should my spouse take Social Security? How would my decisions for Social Security and other pension income…

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Light bulb in thought bubble

The Happiness Project

With its bright blue cover, Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project caught my eye as I was looking for something to read on the flight back to Oregon after a summer business trip to North Carolina. Maybe there are a couple of practical insights I could benefit from I thought. Rubin said she realized that “Time is passing and I’m not focusing enough on the things that really matter.” So she decided to undertake a year-long adventure exploring what makes us…

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