
Hand holding a pen and signing a document

The SECURE Act: Some Important Changes to Know

You may have recently read that the SECURE Act was signed into law on December 20, 2019. So, what does that mean for you? It could have more of an impact than its name alludes to since it’s 29 original provisions address many topics from inherited IRA distributions to the age for required minimum distributions. Here are some key points to take into consideration. 1. Required Minimum Distribution Age Changed to 72 The first major impact of the Setting Every…

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Stock market chart on black screen


Market sentiment changed abruptly in February. After achieving a new all-time high on February 12, the Dow Jones Industrial Average declined just over 14% through February 28. The last week of February saw one of the largest weekly drops of the last 100 years. Given our defensive positioning most JourneyTree Accounts were down just 3-4% over that period. After rising 35% from December 24, 2018 to the peak on February 12, “[. . .] the Dow at nearly 30,000 had…

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Our Newest Certified Financial Planner™

We are pleased to announce that Michelle is officially a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional!  She successfully passed the CFP® Board exam in November. What is a CFP®? A CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ is an advisor who has met rigorous education and experience requirements, and is held to a high ethical and professional standard in the financial industry. The education component is met by completing college level courses in investment planning, tax planning, retirement planning, estate planning, insurance planning, financial management, and…

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Stock market chart

Market Commentary – December 2019

Caution Ahead “The question you should be asking yourself is, ‘Is it a good time to take more risk or less risk?’”                                                                                                      -Howard Marks, Oaktree Capital This question is constantly…

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JourneyTree Plants Trees!

In April the JourneyTree team got their hands dirty planting trees with Friends of Trees on 18th and Oak. They helped plant 10 trees in the area as part of the Trees for Concrete program. The Trees for Concrete program consists of removing big chunks of unnecessary sidewalk, bringing in new soil, and planting trees appropriate for the site. Benefits of trees in the city: Reduce noise Filter the air and water Decrease stress and improve mood Add beauty Provide…

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Stock market chart

Market Commentary – June 2019

As of June 26th, all the major indices were up for the year-to-date (YTD), but while Q1 was overwhelmingly positive for all the asset classes, volatility and uncertainty have returned in May and thus far in June. In fact, the only consistent upward trajectory, in terms of price, has been experienced by the two bond indices, U.S. and Global. The stock market had a strong reaction in May to: Brexit – Theresa May indicated at the end of May that…

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Stock market chart

Market Commentary – March 2019

What a rollercoaster ride! After dropping nearly 20% from early October to Christmas Eve, the S&P 500 stock market average has dramatically rebounded in the roughly two months since. That leaves the US stock market within about 5% of its all-time high achieved last year and close to its level of a year ago. While the market is not exactly a bargain at this level there are sectors that have become more attractive and better values found in some overseas…

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Weathering Market Turbulence

By Irina Pack On a particularly stormy morning (Tuesday, Dec. 18th to be exact) here in Eugene, as the rain poured heavily and the strong wind whipped everything from side to side, I clung to my umbrella with both hands. Despite the fact that I managed to hold on to my umbrella and keep my head and upper body dry, my lower body was covered with rain drops. It occurred to me, as I stepped into the office, that this…

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Stock market chart

Market Commentary – December 2018

Navigating the Rapids Our goal with investing for our clients is to help them arrive safely at their destinations in life. It’s a bit like taking a raft trip down a river. You have to read the river and make judgements along the way to minimize dangers. There are tricky rapids to negotiate, boulders to avoid, and placid stretches to be enjoyed. In reading the river today we can see that: We’ve had a relatively smooth ride for almost a…

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The Great Generational Transfer of Wealth

America is in the midst of the largest transfer of wealth in its entire history.  Over the next decade or so trillions of dollars will be changing hands.  To help you make the most of an inheritance here are some pointers on what to do: Take a deep breath – most of the time suddenly finding yourself with a substantial amount of money means that an emotional event has occurred either through loss, divorce, or some other life event.  Take…

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